Holidays with friends

Finally the day you arrive at the Californie Plage campsite with your mates is here! Your Premium accommodation will become the HQ for all your adventures. A modern, convivial space where comfort goes hand in hand with peels of laughter. There is even a SPA on the terrace.
Whilst everyone settles in their own way, with lively discussions and playlist on full blast, you’re already feeling the soaring energy levels.
You’ve designed a tailor-made programme, but with endless pre-dinner drinks under the stars, and doubtless a few lie-ins planned.
Here, nobody is officially captain. You’re simply a convivial bunch, ready to create the best memories during an extra-special getaway.

You’re off for a mountain biking trip, where adrenaline and impressive landscapes are the order of the day.
In the saddle, your gang rushes towards the meandering trails of the surrounding hills, ready to attack the wild countryside. With each climb, you become increasingly closer, each descent erupting into shouts of laughter!
The views are revealed as hidden treasures and impromptu stops transformed into epic times, with shared anecdotes and panoramic selfies.
Here, you have neither a stopwatch or rules, simply the desire to live in the moment and transform this trip into a wonderful memory, forever etched on your minds (and of course your calves!).

Today your entire tribe slips on their swimwear, real splash buccaneers, to brave the rapids at Aqualand in Cap d’Agde!
This aquatic kingdom is a genuine thrill-seeker pirates’ hideout. From breathtaking water slides to meandering rivers, each attraction proves an adventure.
The artificial waves are transformed into tempestuous seas, swimming pools into tropical lagoons, you’re friends are absolutely thrilled!
With two water fights and a few superb slides, you raise your glasses (or indeed fizzy drinks), toasting this unforgettable day!

Today your adventure companions are armed with courage, as the trip to the Cité de Carcassonne citadel guarantees you’ll dive into the dark twists and turns of history!
Between the impressive ramparts and cobbled streets, this medieval fortress is a genuine French heritage treasure. You’ll explore the Maison Hantée (haunted house), where every door creaks as if a scream from a distant time, with each shadow appearing to harbour a ghost.
The most intrepid will face the Musée de l’Inquisition (Inquisition museum), a lair where instruments of torture from the Middle Ages will make your blood run cold.
Time to celebrate your bravery and in the taverns of this legendary town, you raise a glass in toast to an epic day, which has witnessed your cheerful camaraderie confronting the memory of the worst times of the Inquisition.

This morning, your gang of cabin boys has decided to hoist their harnesses to brave the heights in the Forêt d’Acrobates, a treetop adventure course worthy of the most intrepid pirates!
With the rickety bridges, zip lines flying like the wind, and the nets which sway under your feet, each obstacle becomes a trial, testing your bravery and team spirit to the limit.
Nervous laughs and cries of excitement reverberate through the peaks, whilst you help each other overcome the challenges here.
Together, you’ll climb the heights, where adrenaline becomes your plunder and closeness your compass.

Your hiking shoes are laced up this morning to go off to explore the Gorges de l’Hérault canyon, a natural gem where every path tells a story.
From Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, you’ll take trails which wind between spectacular rock faces, overlooking the river’s emerald waters.
Amazed, you stop to admire the natural swimming pools and limestone formations sculpted over time.
The sun beats down on the Mediterranean greenery, the air filled with rosemary and thyme.
The time is ripe to find the perfect spot by the Hérault river for an impromptu picnic. By the water and laughter echoing around the lapping river, you’ll enjoy a moment of pure relaxation with your friends.

Today on a Segway (two-wheeled e-scooter) you go off to attack the hills covered with lush vines.
Your gang of vineyard pirates is visiting the Domaine de Saint-Pierre, a vineyard more than 200 years old, involved in quality wine tourism and conversion to organic agriculture.
Between laughter and stories about local wine growing, you’ll discover that these vineyards are not simply the land, but living treasure. The visit ends with a beginners wine tasting comprising 8 wines, accompanied by the traditional wine-tasting snack (known locally as the “Casse-croûte du Vigneron”).
Good captain that you are, you ensure your crew only has a sip of this precious nectar, as you’ll soon have to go back, a few bottles of wine in your ruck sack…

It’s the last day and your entire tribe intends to make the most of it, by climbing aboard the Barbecue Boat, a little galleon of modern times, ready to accommodate your team of intrepid adventurers.
No licence is required to helm this vessel; just hoist the sails in high spirits and set sail for an unforgettable day.
Your food awaits you, freshly prepared in a cool box. Between two invigorating dives in the Mediterranean, you’ll light your barbecue as if it were a pirates’ camp fire and feast on sausages and kebabs, worthy of the finest culinary spoils!